If a parent chooses to help their child through prayer, rather than medical science, Ohio does not consider the parent to be guilty of child endangerment. Search requests must be submitted After authorities investigated the situation and found bruises on the 18-month-old as well, Clark was arrested. A specific time frame cannot be guaranteed. Hello! For a misdemeanor, the fines can be up to $1,000. University of Michigan law professor Frank Vandervort and his co-author, Vincent Palusci, a pediatrics professor at New York University, told the AP last year the study was limited, partly because churches often wouldnt give them access to relevant data. WebAbout. This is torture this is terrorism. Yes. FindLaw.com Free, trusted legal information for consumers and legal professionals, SuperLawyers.com Directory of U.S. attorneys with the exclusive Super Lawyers rating, Abogado.com The #1 Spanish-language legal website for consumers, LawInfo.com Nationwide attorney directory and legal consumer resources. Officers also saw fentanyl in plain view, as well as uncapped syringes and other drug paraphernalia within the childs reach. WebThe Courts in Ohio have stated that a parent is guilty of child endangerment when the parent acts recklessly and puts the child at risk. *It's not a violation of a duty of care, protection, or support under this division when the parent or guardian treats the physical or mental illness of the child by spiritual means through prayer alone, in accordance with the tenets of a recognized religious body. Many Ohio attorneys offer free consultations. Under section 2919.21, it's prohibited for a person to abandon or fail to provide adequate support to his or her child. WARREN A 13-year-old girl accompanied by a faculty dog gave a detailed and graphic description to the jury on Monday about the sexual abuse she faced since age 6. Name We will devise a strategy to pursue the best outcome for your case. If you need an attorney, find one right now. While at preschool one day, the three-year-olds teacher noticed bruises on his body. Under section 2919.22, a parent or guardian is prohibited from creating a substantial risk to the health or safety of his or her child by violating a duty of care, protection, or support*. The case may be referred to local social service agencies, or to juvenile, family or criminal court. This hearing requires that the alleging party produce sufficient evidence of abuse or neglect, in strict compliance with the Rules of Evidence. ga('ads.send', { But, she added, "by preventing the public and especially the sincere believers from getting the full story you dont create the accountability that these organizations should be held to and the secrets continue.. forth in federal and state rules and law. identification must accompany the CR search request unless the Lundholm said Utah lawmakers adjourning without having a true public discussion on any clergy-penitent privilege reform proposal provoked eerily familiar feelings for survivors. None received hearings as lawmakers prepare to adjourn for the year. guidelines set forth in federal and state rules and law. Whether there's one statute that covers all types of child abuse, or multiple statutes, most states classify child abuse as a serious crime. Meeting with a lawyer can help you understand your options and how to best protect your rights. According to the 10 WBNS reports that Jimmy Childs, a former sheriffs deputy from Athens County, located southeast of Columbus, pleaded guilty after being charged with obstruction of justice and evidence tampering in connection with a case of sexual abuse. However, use of the form is not ga('ads.send', { Sims sat in the courtroom with a cold blank stare Tuesday morning as rape crisis counselors helped the three young girls he raped read share their accounts of what happened. The children were taken from their parents' care by child services after hospital staff thought the injuries weren't accidental and contacted the police, as reported by Daily Mail. Besides child endangerment, Gabrielle Preston and Eric Tackett were charged with possession of drugs, a fifth-degree felony. Testimony will resume at 1 p.m. in Logans courtroom. Push to require clergy to report abuse stalls in Mormon Utah. The story has been updated to correct the spelling of the first name of Lindsey Lundholm. The law further states that such a parent or guardian is guilty of child endangerment when they create a substantial risk to the safety or health of a minor in their care by failing to fulfill their duty of protection or support. What most of the research shows is that if people arent able to come to them for fear of being reported on, theyre not able to provide the help and support they need, Sen. Ann Milner said. But if the case involves the charges of child endangerment, then the punishment will be harsher. The penalty for child endangerment alone in this case may include a short incarceration in jail, in addition to whatever penalties are handed down by the court for the DUI charge. A driver charged with OVI and Child Endangering may also have a case filed in the juvenile court. individual requesting a central registry search is required to be Justice was finally served when the case reached the United States Supreme Court. must EITHER be notarized OR be accompanied by copies of two Report Child Abuse and Neglect 855 O-H-CHILD. Legislation that would require a priest to (report sexual abuse) violates our right to practice our religion, Bishop Oscar Solis, of the Salt Lake City Diocese, wrote in a Jan. 25 letter to parishioners. Use the form below to request your free and confidential consultation with one of our attorneys. WebUnder section 2919.21, it's prohibited for a person to abandon or fail to provide adequate support to his or her child. $250 to $1,000 in fines. Information contained in the Central Registry SUMMERCAMP)? WARREN A 13-year-old girl accompanied by a faculty dog gave a detailed and graphic description to the jury on Monday about the sexual abuse she faced since age 6. gads_event = event; Behind-the-scenes conversations between legislative leaders in Utah and what Senate President Stuart Adams said was a broad base of religious groups helped thwart four separate proposals to add clergy to the list of professionals required to report child sexual abuse. SCOUTS, contain the individual's Social Security Number. CHILD ABUSE & NEGLECT? alleged perpetrator, alleged child victim, caretaker, and other He pleaded not guilty in October 2022 and his bond was set at $100,000, cash or surety. let gads_event; 2919.224 DUI is a crime already, let alone DUI with a child in the car. WANT TO SEND MY SOCIAL Child endangermentis a serious offense not only in the court of law but also in the community. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); document.getElementById( "ak_js_2" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); The NPAP is dedicated to protecting the human and civil rights of individuals and their encounters with law enforcement and also promote the accountability of law enforcement officers and their employers for violations of the laws and Constitution of the United States. A child endangerment conviction carries harsh penalties that will forever impact the rest of your life. What information is helpful when making a report? Unearthing the trauma wasn't easy, but back in August she hoped reforms could be forthcoming so others would not face what she did. Let Joslyn and our criminal defense attorneys at Joslyn Law Firm put our knowledge and experience with child endangerment, domestic violence, and other criminal defense cases to work to get results for you, as we have so many other clients. It wasnt until Sims heard the judge read his sentence that his expression changed. }) A form with instructions on how to A response letter can be returned more quickly If you want to report an incident, you can call the 24-hour Child Abuse Hotline at (614) 229-7000. eventCategory: event.slot.getSlotElementId(), Central Registry information can Abuse survivors, religious leaders and major party politicians were all gathered to rally for an end to a legal loophole that exempts religious clergy from being required to report child sexual abuse once it comes to their attention. (Hamilton County) The investigation grew out of prior charges against the victims Cases filed in Trumbull County Feb. 13-17: Ohios laws on child endangerment (Ohio Revised Code Section 2919.22) account for a parent and/or guardians duty to ensure their childs health and safety. REGISTRY SEARCH REQUEST AND HAVE THE SEARCH COMPLETED WHILE I eventCategory: event.slot.getSlotElementId(), This allegation falls in line with the charge of compelling prostitution involving a minor, which the indictment said happened around May 15, 2020, through May 14, 2021. 2315.18 Limits damages in civil lawsuits. is entered by the public children services agency (PCSA) that }); A Colin Kalmbacher May 31st, 2022, 4:32 pm. (Read more about MSBP on the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention website). The Catholic Diocese of Salt Lake City did not respond to requests for comment but campaigned against them, saying in January that priests and clergy were different from others mandated to report sexual abuse, including doctors, teachers and social workers. This is when someone takes their penis and they weaponize it and they use it to torment and torture you. Appropriate }); I hope he goes away for a very long time so he cant do it to my sister, the victim said during an hour and 15 minute testimony inside Trumbull County Common Pleas Court Judge Andrew D. Logans courtroom. Washington County Sheriff Larry Mincks said Dawsons account of the events didnt match the babys condition. However, not all offenses are charged the same. Reports of child abuse or neglect can be reported to Ohio Department of Job and Family Services, a local public children services agency, or local police. Prior to this meeting, Liptak described having a good relationship with the victim and that she was always excited to visit her office. three months. Friday, Isaac hitType: 'event', letter to the service organization. An individual should allow at least 30 I dont know the words to describe it, the victim said when asked by the prosecution to describe how she felt about the abuse she endured. The witness said the victims brother appeared visibly upset and asked to speak to a classroom assistant, who he first told about the abuse. SECONDFORMOF The parents of an 11-month-old baby boy charged with endangering the welfare of a child appeared in court Thursday where a video presented at their hearing helped to clear the father. Trumbull County Of particular use is a list of legal definitions for terms used throughout this section of the code. transmission is illegible, then copies of the IDs will need to be It wasnt sex. Rule 5101:2-36-03 | PCSA requirements for intra-familial child abuse and/or neglect assessment/investigations. must be made in writing and include the following: *The original signature of the individual IGETTHE REPORT investigated the report of child abuse and/or neglect and only the The three residents at the home where the boy was found have been charged in connection with child endangerment, as follows: Kaitlene Bice with one count of child endangerment; William Bice, Jr., and Mary Ann Bice with complicity to child endangerment. If a parent or Peer rated for highest level of professional exellence. address. You have the option of giving your name or reporting anonymously. The charges include engaging in a pattern of corrupt activity (second-degree felony) and two charges of child endangerment (third-degree felonies). SPECIFICFORMREQUIRED Many states have toll-free numbers for people to call for reporting child endangerment if they believe a child is being abused or neglected. In 2020, the most recent year for which data on child abuse was accessible, 52 girls in Ohio under the age of 14 had abortions, according to the state department of health. The victim testified in the trial of Kenneth Nitso, 33, of Highland Drive in Hubbard, who is accused of abusing the child over an extended period of time. Over 30,000 children in Ohio are engaged in substantiated cases of child abuse or neglect each year, according to the Ohio Family Violence Prevention Project. Columbus CEO magazine has yearly selections for the best attorneys in Columbus Ohio. He was sentenced to six back-to-back life sentences. if(document.querySelector("#adunit")){ Requests requiring the individual's original signature must be Read this page, in particular, to learn about the adjudicatory hearing in Ohio child welfare cases. WebA first-degree misdemeanor child endangerment charge is a serious criminal offense that is punishable by up to 180 days in jail and a $1,000 fine. My passions surround child law, including foster care, adoption, child abuse/neglect, and education. SALT LAKE CITY (AP) Lindsey Lundholm looked out over hundreds of people at the Utah State Capitol last year and felt a deep sense of healing. response to a request for additional information, documentation can If you or someone close to you are facing child abuse charges in Ohio, it may be a good idea to contact a criminal defense attorney in Ohio to talk about your rights and options. If the offense is charged as a felony, this could lead to prison timeanywhere between 12 months for a fourth-degree felony up to eight years for a second-degree felony. WebA person driving with any minor in the vehicle under 18 years of age can be charged with child endangerment. OHIO'S WebCall LHA at (513) 338-1890 to schedule a free consultation. Examples of child endangerment can include any threats to a childs physical, mental, or emotional wellbeing. INFORMATION? (renews at {{format_dollars}}{{start_price}}{{format_cents}}/month + tax). (A) No person, who is the parent, guardian, custodian, person having custody or control, or person in loco parentis of a child under eighteen years of age or a Note: State laws are always subject to change through the passage of new legislation, rulings in the higher courts (including federal decisions), ballot initiatives, and other means. 614-752-1298. Star Athletica, L.L.C. Ohios criminal statute defines many ways in which a person could be considered guilty of child endangerment. and have reason to believe a party of the report once resided in His brother, Oscar Hernandez Diaz, is scheduled for a three-week jury trial on May 8 in Judge Mark Kerenyis court. information. Although the prosecution bears the burden of proof, it is important that your legal defense understands which types of evidence are substantial in proving guilt beyond all reasonable doubt. HCJFS has the statutory responsibility to receive and respond to reports of child abuse and neglect in Hamilton County. REMOVED FROM THE CENTRAL REGISTRY? reporters on a platform technologically tailored to meet the needs of the modern reader. (e.g., TWO FORMS OF APPROPRIATE ID, SOCIAL SECURITY #, ORIGINAL As a school administrator, the witness said she reported the accusations to the proper channels, which included Trumbull County Children Services, the school resource officer and Liptak. }); on file with this office. I AM CONCERNED ABOUT MAINTAINING Please try again. Nitso did not testify in his own defense during day one of the trial. If a parent fails to adequately feed their child, provide medical care when needed, or protect their child from chronic uncleanliness, their actions could make them guilty of child neglect in the eyes of the law. other delivery service (e.g., UPS, FedEx). No. Its terrorism in its worst form.. PRESENT: Elizabeth Calderone, Mary New cases o FORECLOSURE Knowing these definitions will help you better understand the criminal charge you face. All rights reserved. A signature on a connected to criminal/civil court activities or court A parent, custodian, or guardian is also guilty of child endangerment when they do any of the following to a minor child in their care or to a physically or mentally disabled person under 21 who is in the custodians care: A person convicted of child endangerment in Ohio faces the possibility of time behind bars, as well as hefty fines. 10 WebHIGHLAND COUNTY, Ohio (FOX19) - Authorities say 18-year-old Britney Haynes was sentenced to 11 years in prison earlier today for abusing her two children. If the adoption as well as all adult residents of the applicants' If someone has been convicted with DUI charges, then it is obvious that they are going to face harsher outcomes like prolonged jail time and a hefty amount of fines. For example, child endangerment laws do not typically apply to cases wherein parents have simply made a mistake, like leaving a child in a locked car with the engine running while they made a quick trip into a store. eventCategory: event.slot.getSlotElementId(), When the two went back inside, Isaac Diaz armed himself with a katana-style sword and the brothers returned to Olveras apartment where he lived with his family. In Ohio, failure to fulfill the duty of care as a parent or caregiver counts as child neglect. WebUnder most circumstances, information from child abuse and neglect records may not be disclosed to the public. WebEndangering children. The victim stated Nitso would rub his private part along her buttocks through his clothes. The two are accused of felonious assault and endangering their children. Sign up for our newsletter to keep reading. The term child endangerment is used to describe an act, or the failure to perform an act, that puts a childs safety in danger. passport can be faxed to the attention of Barbara Parker at A push to mandate that members of religious clergy report child sexual abuse when it's brought to their attention is facing pushback from churches throughout the United States. are currently investigating a report of child abuse and/or neglect Call our firm today for a free consultation: (614) 444-1900. I RECEIVED A LETTER ASKING FOR If you are not sure you have enough information to report, always err on the safety of the child. If you'd like to learn more information related to this topic, please click on the links below: Child abuse, child neglect or child abandonment are serious crimes that could result in severe consequences. Information contained in the Central Registry Firms, Ohio Department of Job and Family Services, The charges for violating these statutes depends on the circumstances, and range from a, Complex criminal defense situations usually require a lawyer, Defense attorneys can help protect your rights, A lawyer can seek to reduce or eliminate criminal penalties. CENTRAL REGISTRY ON CHILD ABUSE AND NEGLECT. CONFIDENTIALITY OF MY PERSONAL Baby Mia Jade Riley: Parents Lani and Tom Riley speak out after dog attack killed their 5-week-old infant, Kyle Sambrook: Hiker falls 100ft to death while carrying his dog in one hand through 'appalling' weather, Bruce Willis's mom Marlene 'not sure if her son still recognizes her' as 'aggressiveness' creeps in, Julia Faustyna: 21-yr-old girl who claims to be Madeleine McCann admits to making 'pornographic videos' in past, Killer mom Lindsay Clancy was suffering from drug withdrawal and had 'worst side effects,' says friend. According to the article, the decrease is likely due to the pandemic. According to Ohio's Children's Advocacy Centers, there were 8,890 abuse cases in 2021, 6,717 of which involved sexual abuse of minors between the ages of 0 and 18. All rights reserved. eventCategory: event.slot.getSlotElementId(), of the results letter to the employer. The good that youre doing by being here today and presenting your case will help other kids who may be in the same situation, the judge told the girls. }); This condition compels the caregiver to lie about or promote sickness in a child in an attempt to get attention or sympathy for themselves. If someone on probation is caught doing something illegal, the court can then sentence him to jail time. If the 614-728-6726. o Michael Anthony Dawson Jr., was charged with the murder of his 2-month-old son Gannon on July 26, 2020, and is set to appear for a week-long trial on March 28 in Kerenyis court. Religious leaders have systematically fought efforts to expand the list of states. While she was gone, Clark was in charge of her two children: a three-year-old son (L.P.) and an 18-month-old daughter. Please subscribe to keep reading. (1) "Abandoned child," pursuant to section 2151.011 of the Revised Code, means a child who is presumed abandoned when the parents of the child have failed to visit or maintain contact with the child for more than ninety days, regardless of whether the parents resume contact with the child after that period of ninety days. Child Endangerment May Be a Felony Criminal Offense Child endangerment is not always a misdemeanor in Ohio. Go here to learn state laws regarding child abuse, neglect, and other forms of endangerment. Rev. }); }); Rev. The State Child Abuse and Neglect Reporting Numbers list provides phone numbers for each state for the purpose of reporting child endangerment. media-tech companies with hubs around the world. So long as the report is made in good faith for example, that it isnt just a spiteful neighbor making a report in order to get back at the neighbor she had a fight with then the report will be taken seriously, and the person will not be penalized for making a false report. WHOHASACCESS original signature. Church officials declined to comment about the stalled legislative efforts. OTHER GOVERNMENT-ISSUED DOCUMENT IN LIEU OF MY SOCIAL When L. P.s teachers noticed his injuries, they rightly became worried that the 3-year-old was the victim of serious violence. INFORMATIONANDDO NOT Staff photo / Chris McBride Security Number and home address. The investigation could involve talking to the child, family members, and other people that CPS deems appropriate. In approximately 38 States and the District of Columbia, however, some disclosure of information is allowed in cases in which abuse or neglect of the child has resulted in a fatality or near fatality. Thus, the statement made by the child was in the context of wanting to be safe from harm, rather than trying to induce a legal process. These injuries include eye hemorrhages, multiple broken bones in their legs and arms, multiple rib fractures, abrasions to the face to include a black eye and bruising. A four-year-old child wound up in a hospital emergency room located in Scioto County, south of Columbus, after his non-custodial mother found him bruised and injured at the home of the childs fathers girlfriend, reports FOX 28. Learn more about FindLaws newsletters, including our terms of use and privacy policy. Amber Rae McElravy of Scott Street is being held without bond on a third-degree felony charge of child endangering. CAN I SEND A HEALTH INSURANCE CARD OR Child abuse that is the result of child endangerment is typically charged as a misdemeanor, though abuse that results in serious mental or physical effects is tried as a felony. Child endangerment is an emotionally charged and serious crime in Ohio. According to Ohio's Children's Advocacy Centers, there were 8,890 abuse cases in 2021, 6,717 of which involved sexual abuse of minors between the ages of 0 and 18. If the investigator decides the child is suffering abuse or is at risk for abuse, the investigator will refer the case to the appropriate partiespossibly family court or a local service agency. Court records stated that officers went to a home on a report of a medical The investigator determines if the child is being abused or is at risk for If the situation is, in fact, one that calls for an exception to be made, the statement would be guided by state or federal rules, not the Confrontation Clause. The case then escalated to the Ohio Supreme Court, and the Ohio Supreme Court also upheld it! WebThese types of cases are often known as OVI child endangerment cases in Ohio. },false) keys to navigate, use enter to select, Stay up-to-date with how the law affects your life. information about their appeal and/or grievance procedures. We investigate and retrieve evidence in support of our defense case. } In Ohio, child endangerment can be charged as a first-degree misdemeanor, which could mean up to 180 days in jail. Depending on the severity of the situation, child endangerment charges can be classified as either a misdemeanor or a felony. Because the teachers needed to know whether it was safe to release L. P. to his guardian at the end of the day, they needed to determine who might be abusing the child. When the containment is complete, there will be 146 of overhead clearance for traffic on the bridge. by mail or other delivery service (e.g. Conduct that can cause such a risk includes abusing a child, administering physical disciplinary measures, or encouraging or forcing a child to engage in child pornography. Franklin Countys Children Services investigates reports of child abuse and neglect. A powerful winter storm that swept the West Coast with flooding and frigid temperatures has shifted to southern California, swelling rivers to, Disgraced South Carolina attorney Alex Murdaugh is testifying he cooperated with police investigating the killings of his wife and son in ever, A defense expert in Alex Murdaughs double murder trial says he thinks two different shooters killed the disgraced attorneys wife and son. She is more likely to get in an accident that would injure the child, and she was aware that what she was doing was dangerous for her child but did it anyway. Child Endangering Penalties increase if the children are physically harmed. o In To explore this concept, consider the following child endangerment definition. submitted. guaranteed. For example, if you are in the process of divorcing your spouse, and they accuse you of child endangerment, we could possibly raise the defense that your spouse lied to gain an advantage for child custody. This is a common defense against child endangerment, especially in cases where the accused and the accuser have a hostile relationship. service requests (e.g., UPS, FedEx) must be sent to: Search results will be sent directly to the With children out of the school environment, fewer teachers and school personnel were able to spot signs of abuse and report them, as they are required to do. Below you will find key provisions of Ohio's laws relating to child abuse, neglect, and abandonment. Routinely it involves a two-pronged approach, defending clergy-penitent privilege in statehouses and using it to avoid damaging disclosures in court cases, said Hamilton, also a University of Pennsylvania law professor. The argument was that, since the boy did not testify, then accepting his statement into evidence was actually a violation of the Confrontation Clause of the Sixth Amendment. ADDITIONAL REQUIRED INFORMATION BEFORE A SEARCH CAN BE CONDUCTED Webinvestigate each report of known or suspected child abuse or child neglect, or threat thereof, which is referred to it. SECURITYCARD. Responses As this was a criminal case, the court was mandated by R.C. NBC4 gives this update of a child abuse case in Athens County, where Deborah Bellar was given a $1 million bond. In the wake of the AP's investigation last year, Republican state Rep. Phil Lyman and Democratic Rep. Angela Romero announced plans to reform Utah's clergy-penitent privilege loophole. report. Ohio defines a child as a person under the age of eighteen and a mentally or physically handicapped person under the age of twenty one. People should be able to go and confess their sins to their bishop without fear of being prosecuted up until when they are confessing something that has affected someones else life significantly, he told the AP in August. The problem in the United States and this is particularly acute in state like Utah is that the lobbying power of these religious organizations is so extraordinary, Hamilton said. The Better Business Bureau (BBB), founded in 1912, is a private, nonprofit organization whose self-described mission is to focus on advancing marketplace trust. years. And, of course, in the event of an emergency, individuals are advised to call 9-1-1, rather than their state agencies. DROPPED THE CASE SO WHY DOES A CENTRAL REGISTRY MATCH In approximately 38 States and the District of Columbia, however, some disclosure of information is allowed in cases in which abuse or neglect of the child has resulted in a fatality or near fatality. "They have not veered from it. You can also visit this website to learn about the state of child abuse in Franklin County and access links to such information as to how to help someone you think is being abused and how to carefully choose a partner. eventAction: 'render' Each Ohio county has a child protective services agency that addresses allegations of child abuse, neglect and dependency. identification, the request may be notarized over the individual's Preeminent Attorney Award. Brian Joslyn not only kept me out of jail but got my case completely dismissed. SE. Murder and child endangerment charges are among the cases to be brought before a jury in the Washington County Court of Common Pleas in the coming weeks. 3d 707 -- Endangering a child by means of abuse pursuant to R.C. Maybe the worst part is that this is something that survivors experience often, and unfortunately, its rare when their stories are heard, she said. And retrieve evidence in support of our attorneys if someone on probation caught... Case completely dismissed besides child endangerment if they believe a child in the event of emergency! Didnt match the babys condition could be considered guilty of child abuse, neglect and dependency states court... Examples of child abuse and/or neglect call our firm today for a free consultation alleging produce., especially in cases where the accused and the accuser have a case filed in the court then. 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Activity ( second-degree felony ) and two charges of child abuse and/or neglect our! Explore this concept, consider the following child endangerment Athens County, Deborah. A fifth-degree felony and Delinquency Prevention website ) call our firm today for a consultation. To $ 1,000 is when someone takes their penis and they weaponize it they! Child in the event of an emergency, individuals are advised to 9-1-1... Possession of drugs, a fifth-degree felony serious crime in Ohio their state agencies child endangerment cases in ohio with a child in vehicle! Provide adequate support to his or her child use enter to select, Stay up-to-date with how the child endangerment cases in ohio! Social service agencies, or to juvenile, family or criminal court neglect, in the car can then him! Other forms of endangerment a common defense against child endangerment definition criminal court requesting a central registry search is to! 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